Marché de Noël
électronique #4

Marché de Noël
électronique #4

Marché de Noël électronique #4

Art Zoyd Studios

MA 19 DÉC 20:00

le Phénix Fabrique 3

infos / tarifs

Tarif Gratuit, sur réservation



avec Lars Akerlund (Suède), Daniel Zea (Suisse/Colombie), Pierre-Alexandre Tremblay

(Canada/UK), Magalie Mobetie (France), Elena Kakaliagou (Grèce)

Art Zoyd Studios present an international programme of electronic music. They will be live this year at le phénix after being present online streaming the last two years ! It will consist of short solo plays of about twenty minutes, allowing the audience to be close and talk with the musicians. The night will be festive, a christmassy atmosphere with mulled wine and gingerbread.

Interview Daniel Zea