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Indoor Weather

Ezra Veldhuis & Bosse Provoost

dès 10 ans
infos / tarifs

Tarif Next B 15€ / 13€ / 6€



conception, direction Ezra Veldhuis, Bosse Provoost

avec Nathan Ooms, Kristien De Proost, Lobke Leirens, Benjamin Cools

Dramaturgie Sébastien Hendrickx.

Regard extérieur Edith Cassiers.

Assistanat de direction Laurens Aneca.

Création sonore Benne Dousselaere.

Création costume Carly Rae Heathcote.

Stagiaire Milan van Bortel.

Productions Toneelhuis, P.U.L.S.

Coproductions De Grote Post, C-TAKT.

Organisation tournée Hiros.

Soutiens workspacebrussels, Kunstencentrum BUDA, Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government, Casa Kafka Pictures, Tax shelter powered by Belfius.

Remerciements Max Pairon, An-Marie Lambrechts, Oshin Albrecht, Bart Meuleman, Geert Belpaeme, Jan Fedinger, l’équipe technique de Toneelhuis.

What if theatre became a futuristic ecosystem ? A mysterious game controls lights, sound and fly lofts displayed at eye level. Between performance and installation art, a contemplative experience. 

People moving on an empty stage. One of them seems to be dancing in reaction to the environment, other ones are probing the space like metal diggers, another one is reciting poems by Danish writer Inger Christensen. Around them, the set is shaking : fly lofts, sound, lights, air and technical props are dancing their own dance around humans. Indoor Weather’s action is never mentioned and does not impact presence on stage. Visual and choreographic composition abide by its own rules while submitting to your imagination.

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