jazz à l'avant-scène


The Volunteered Slaves

Céline Bonacina, Emmanuel Duprey, Emmanuel Bex, Akim Bournane, Julien Charlet


JE 18 AVR 20:00 Naturellement accessible aux personnes malvoyantes et aveugles



saxophone Olivier Temime
piano, keyboards Emmanuel Duprey
orgue, keyboards Emmanuel Bex
basse Akim Bournane
drums Julien Charlet

Electronic quintet, the Volunteered Slaves are on the cosmic side of jazz. Their feverish compositions aim transcendence through groove, never losing their balance or funk rhythms. They have a knack for unlikely covers, such as the Beach Boys, Pink Floyd or Herbie Hancock or the pop song “Video killed the radio star” by the Buggles.

les jazz à l'avant-scène