© Fred De Brock, KVS

© Henrike Stahl

© Fred De Brock, KVS

© Henrike Stahl

Cabaret de curiosités – Guerrilla warfare

25 > 28 février 2025

As a festival dedicated to contemporary artistic creation, the Cabaret of curiosities brings people together to discuss a contemporary issue. Artists, researchers and people involved in the region mix their eyes and thoughts in shared artistic and political objectives.

A special, friendly time born from students’ and audience’s involvement in the Fabrique of Curiosités throughout the week. More information are coming soon on lephenix.fr


The next Cabaret of Curiosities – coordinated by Le Phénix and his valued partners, is an essential time, exploring this season the theme of guerilla warfare. In a world where conflicts arise in the political, social and ecological worlds, questioning the inner workings of resistance and commitment has become an urgent matter. The tragedies that are warfare in Ukraine and conflicts in the Middle East tragically remind us the importance of questioning the struggles inhabiting our societies.

Among the great moments of this year’s edition, “Mère Courage” by Lisaboa Houbrechts, adapted from Brecht’s play broaches the question of motherhood during warfare. This powerful and timeless text echoes today’s reality, where the mother figure has become a symbol of resilience. In the same manner, “Thérèse et Isabelle”, inspired by Violette Leduc and directed by Marie Fortuit brings up the private and outside struggles experienced by women against society’s standards, thus highlighting both personal and common guerillas.

We are also delighted to present for the first time a new section – the Laboratory of Curiosities, that’ll host projects in the making. Among them “Kseniia”, a heart-wrenching project created by a Ukrainian artist exiled in Valenciennes and supported by Laurent Hatat. Her work broaches the urgency of artistic creation in time of crisis. A living testimony of pain and hope born from wreckage during contemporary warfare.

Furthermore, the “Factory of Curiosities” will enable young high school students and university students to play a real part in the festival, by attending workshops and being involved in creative projects – allowing them to be heard and committed in today’s issues.
To sum up, the festival harbours the hope of being a place to meet, ask questions and be amazed. A place where every show or performance feeds our reflexion on resistance. In a time of guerilla warfare, it is essential to welcome the artists’ voices. Artists who, through their commitment enlighten today’s issues.

Let’s meet on this celebration of curiosity and resistance!


les curiosités 2025